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Children's Rights Charter

We stand with nearly 90 organisations in endorsing the children's rights charter by the Children's Rights Alliance for England, calling for children's rights to be protected and prioritised by policymakers.

The charter calls on the new UK government to prioritise children's rights by implementing a comprehensive ...

Welcome to the International Play Association – England branch

The International Play Association England (IPA England) is a leading member of a global child rights advocacy network dedicated to promoting a child's right to play. We recognise the importance of ensuring that children are supported in their fundamental right to play freely and openly without fear of judgement ...




Membership/Benefits Package

As the premier association for promoting the child's right to play, our membership offers a unique opportunity for individuals to become …
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  • Playful Advocacy
  • Global Network
  • Children's Rights
  • International Collaboration
  • Expert Support
  • Child-centred Approach


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